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what is cooking thyme


Cooking Thyme was founded in 2014 by Allison Moody, a furniture sales associate who had resigned from her 16 year career due to a diagnosis of AML Leukemia.  After surviving cancer, her desire was to share her long time passion for food in a meaningful way by offering informal instruction in the art of cooking to people of all ages.  In the spring of 2016, she returned to her furniture sales career, but periodically offers cooking classes and a variety of freshly prepared foods throughout the year.

cooking thyme philosophy


The idea of Cooking Thyme was inspired by Hebrews 13:2 which reads "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so, some have shown hospitality to angels and did not know it".  The goals of Cooking Thyme are to provide freshly prepared food items that comfort the soul and the opportunity for hands-on training to people of all ages in hopes they find joy in cooking as a means to show hospitality to others.




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